Currently I am a Ph.D. Student from Tsinghua University, Institute for Interdisciplinary Information (IIIS).
I got my Bachelor degree from Nanjing University in 2024. I am generally interested in AI for Decisions, especially for Reinforcement Learning (RL).
- Dec. 2024: Paper “Offline-to-Online Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Offline Value Function Memory and Sequential Exploration” accepted to AAMAS 2025!
- Dec. 2024: New homepage is launched!
Hai Zhong, Xun Wang, Zhuoran Li, Longbo Huang, Offline-to-Online Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Offline Value Function Memory and Sequential Exploration, accepted to The 24th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. (AAMAS), May. 2025. [arXiv]
Xun Wang, Haonan Chen, Junming Yang, Zhuzhong Qian and Bolei Zhang. SDV: Simple Double Validation Model-based Offline Reinforcement Learning, Proceedings of 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), Sept. 2023. Oral. [pdf] [code]
OSCPU(一生一芯), Session 4
- A 5-stage RV64IM CPU with I/Dcache implemented in Verilog.
- Supporting software environment implemented in C/C++.
- Based on abstract-machine (AM) and ysyxSOC.